Friday, 30 March 2012

The Consequences Of Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a way of removing individual hair from the body or face. Medical electrolysis destroys the head of hair follicle and then the hair is removed using tweezers. Unwanted new hair growth is a sometimes caused by improved hormone levels, some drugs, several illnesses and also other medical procedures. Typically hair growth is desirable, but when it starts growing in places where it's unnatural just like a woman's upper lip or even chin or bikini series, for example - Hair removal methods are considered. Electrolysis is one of the many laser hair removal techniques possible these days.
Electrolysis is extremely expensive. One hour can cost $45 or more. It can take 30 hours just to remove hair around the upper lip depending on how a lot there is and the electrolysist is gradual. Someone who is faster and more experienced may be able to do the exact same procedure in half the time. You may be better off getting a home electrolysis tool and performing the procedure on oneself. It could be hundreds of dollars cheaper.

Electrolysis hair removal is a great selection for many people. For example, the best utilizes I've seen for the procedure is perfect for women who want to remove unsightly hair from their upper lip, chin or jawline. Facial hair on women is extremely embarassing so any procedure that can remove which hair permanently using a totally non-invasive procedure gets my vote. However, there are some disadvantages to electrolysis hair removal that you should strongly consider before going through with the procedure.
Electrolysis is time-consuming. As each hair follicle must be targeted individually and hair grows in cycles, quite a few treatments may be required for long term results. According to the American Electrology Association, electrolysis destroys not only the follicle, but hair-growing cells as well. This results in permanent hair removal over time.
You could even purchase residence electrolysis machines, these are quite unsafe because it's hard to administer the particular electrolysis yourself. However it's not unidentified for electrolysis to be un-successful, it's just that the potential risks out weight the results with regards to home electrolysis. Medical authorities in a number of countries including the British Healthcare Association in the UK have informed not to purchasing home electrolysis machines as well as recommend that you always go to a professional salon where trained electrologists will provide you with the results you are looking for. Be sure to possess a consultation before removing the head of hair, you should let them know what forms of hair removal you have used before.

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