Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Real Reason We Are Fat, Sick & Tired (And What To Do About It)

Dr. Lynda Frassetto of the University of California believes that humans have undergone an evolutionary change. Formerly, our bodies were able to effectively break down food and dispose of acid wastes with our kidneys and liver by using an ample supply of bicarbonate and hydroxyl buffers. But now--because we encounter more toxins, chemicals and pollutants in one day than our ancestors did in a lifetime--our bodies are struggling to keep up and to protect our kidneys and liver from total degradation and failure.
Dr. Frassetto studied 1,000 people and discovered that as we age, we lose buffering capacity in our blood, which reduces our ability to neutralize and remove acids. Since we cannot neutralize all the acid waste, it accumulates in our fatty deposits instead of being eliminated by our kidneys and liver as it once was.  Basically, our bodies have made the decision to preserve our kidneys and liver instead of processing the acid waste, and these wastes now show up as cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones, etc.
But don't blame your body! According to Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle, "Your fat is actually saving your life!" He believes: "There is only one sickness, one disease, and NOW one treatment. The one sickness and disease is the over-acidification of the blood and tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating, and thinking. The one treatment is to alkalize and energize our body."

A healthy, pH-balanced body has alkaline reserves to battle diseases, infections, and viruses. But when our bodies are excessively acidic, they borrow essential minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium from our vital organs and bones to "buffer" (neutralize) the acid. Excess acids in our bodies build up until we begin to show symptoms like digestive problems, headaches, excess weight, bone pains, constipation, muscle tension and pain, heart problems, high blood pressure, etc. When our bodies suffer from prolonged degradation or corrosion, it can manifest into dehabilitating and degenerative diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and osteoarthritis--all which tend to show up around age 45.
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, author of Be Perfectly Healthy says, " especially troubling, because it interferes with optimal functioning in cells throughout the body. Production of white blood cells, which are involved in immunity, suffers most. In an acidic environment, poor quality white blood cells are produced, making it easy for infections to take hold. Restoring a proper pH balance helps boost the immune system and benefits the entire body."
One easy way to rid your body of excess wastes and restore proper pH balance is to drink alkaline ionized water, which is able to deeply hydrate and detoxify the tissues and cells, and supply the body with bioavailable minerals and antioxidants. Not only will alkaline ionized water help neutralize acidic wastes and build up ionic alkaline reserves, but its smaller molecular cluster size and negative electrical charge make it up to six times more hydrating than conventional water and allows the body to metabolize stored fat. Visit for more information.

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